
CSI Partners

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Corporate Social Investments

Email: jayshree@joyesttrading.co.za

Contact: 074 8034976

Office: 0815246616 / 0119078153

Jayshree Narainsamy picture


Our CSI Partner as Director and Life Coach Trainer is Ms Jayshree Nariansamy. Jayshree Nariansamy is competent with a heart of compassion for people. Her drive has united us where we simply give to the community without expecting any direct financial returns.

We at Joyest Trading and Projects Pty Ltd believe in the concept of CSI (Corporate Social Investment) as a business, so we are investing in the community, to create long-term benefits for our 21st generations to equip them to be the future by broadening the horizon for the less fortunate.

With this focus as our mainline CSI, we have partnered with a Non-profit Organisation, named Love and Hope Rising, who's work it is in bringing positive life changes through their amazing Life Skills Development Programs, Personal Development Courses, Therapy work and practice Train the Trainer

Together CSI Partner, is Love and Hope Rising Outreach, NPO doing life changing work all around Gauteng. It is in partnership by Jayshree Nariansamy and Jennifer Perumal. Jayshree is the Founder ( Director ) and is also the Life Coach together with an amazing team of leader’s.

We at Joyest Trading Pty Ltd believe strongly in personal growth and our motto is Reach one!!! Teach one!!! Each one!!! Grows one!!!